Category: Planet | Views: 313 | Added by: stasroki | Date: 2014-10-08 | Comments (2)

Category: Planet | Views: 293 | Added by: stasroki | Date: 2014-10-08 | Comments (0)

Да излезем пеш или с велосипед на този ден и да покажем колко сме загрижени към Планетата, Природата и към самите нас и нашите поколения. Всъщност този ден трябва да го почитаме всеки ден през годината и освен да замърсяваме въздуха с отровни газове и да затлъстяваме, можем да повървим или да покараме велосипед.
Няма нищо по-ценно и по-здравослоно от движението. То лекува всяка душевна и неличима болка и всеки които спортува поне веднъж в седмицата, ще усети и види промяна в себе си и ще започне да живее по един по различен и природосъобразен живот.
Спортувайте, опазвайте планетата. ТЯ Е НАШИЯТ ДОМ!!!

Category: Planet | Views: 268 | Added by: stasroki | Date: 2014-09-21 | Comments (0)

This year for the first time I visited Norway and Scandinavia, and was fascinated by the nature of Norway. This country deep in me leaving some of the most beautiful, peaceful and positive memories of my three-year trip around Europe by bicycle. 
Norway struck me mostly clear with many rivers, lakes and waterfalls, but most vividly stand fjord with its steep banks which descend numerous waterfalls. Forest green and clean and full of freshness and tranquility and Norwegians - every day fills me with positive energy and I can even say that I did not feel tired and I could ride a bicycle almost every day for about 120 kilometers, and sometimes more. 
Thanks to all Norwegians, all the people who helped me to spend a great month in Norway! 
And declared that one day I will come back to travel around the country entirely, even if it cost me half a year because Norway is a country of a fairy tale with an ancient past and rich history.

Category: Planet | Views: 295 | Added by: stasroki | Date: 2014-07-29 | Comments (0)

Earth is our home. People keep the planet from pollution, protect the planet from excessive fuel use, keep the planet by recycling your waste. Earth is our home, which we must take care to live and breathe the fresh air as we and future generations. Protect the Earth, it is our home!

Category: Planet | Views: 297 | Added by: stasroki | Date: 2014-04-01 | Comments (0)